Drone | DJI | Mavic 3 Thermal | Enterprise | CP.EN.00000499.02

Drone | DJI | Mavic 3 Thermal | Enterprise | CP.EN.00000499.02

  • Производитель: DJI
  • Модель: Mavic 3 Thermal
  • Наличие: Нет в наличии
  • 5649.00€

DJI Mavic 3 Thermal
The Mavic 3 Enterprise Series redefines industry standards for small commercial drones. With a mechanical shutter, a 56× zoom camera, and an RTK module for centimeter-level precision, the Mavic 3E brings mapping and mission efficiency to new heights. A thermal version is available for firefighting, search and rescue, inspection, and night operations.
Основные характеристики
Unit Net Weight 2.044 kg
Battery Lithium-Ion rechargeable
Pixel Resolution 20 Mega Pixel
Dimensions Folded (without propellers): 221×96.3×90.3 mm, Unfolded (without propellers): 347.5×283×107.7 mm
Sensor size 4/3 CMOS
Operating temperature range -10° to 40° C
Battery capacity 5000 mAh
Electronic Shutter Speed 8-1/8000 s
GPS / geotagging Yes
Speed 21 m/s
Flight time 45
Mechanical shutter speed 8-1/2000 s
Drone product line Enterprise
Shipping/Package Box Dimensions
Shipping Box Width 22.5 cm
Shipping Box Depth 45.5 cm
Shipping Box Height 38 cm
Shipping Box Weight 5.5 kg
Гарантия 24L kuud

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